Complaints Policy

We are fully independent

We are fully independent and directly authorised by the FCA. This means we are able to focus our advice without being limited to certain products or providers.

Your interests come first

Our whole philosophy is borne out of many years' experience working in a professional practice environment. Our existing clients would confirm our ongoing commitment to this philosophy.

We are highly qualified

Continual professional development is an expectation all of our team place upon themselves regardless of how qualified they already are, not just as a requirement for qualified advisers.

Trust is core to our service

Our clients have told us that trust is absolutely essential for them, therefore we hold ourselves to this value and only ever act in our clients’ interest.

Integrity and transparency

We are committed to always explaining our fees and our regulatory obligations before any work is carried out.

If you have any complaint about the advice you receive or a product you have bought through Berkshire IFA Limited please write to, or call the Compliance Director at Berkshire IFA Limited, Albany House, 14 Shute End, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 1BJ.

If following our subsequent investigation and response you are still not satisfied you may contact the Financial Ombudsman Service (; The Financial Ombudsman Service; Exchange Tower; London E14 9SR). Full details are contained within our internal complaints procedure, which is available to you on request at any time.